United's Free Little Pantry is now in the parking lot by the 3 crosses ready to be used by anyone in need. To keep the pantry filled, please bring non-perishable food items, personal hygiene items, hats and gloves. If the Pantry is full, you may leave your items in the Little Pantry bin in the church narthex. According to the Little Free Pantry website, "The Little Free Pantry offers a place around which neighbors might coalesce to meet neighborhood needs, whether for food or for fun. A single Little Free Pantry is "little." Lots of Little Free Pantries might be big. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can change the world.” — Howard Zinn
"God's Work..Our Hands"
Congregational members gave generously on Sunday, September 7 to God's Work ...Our Hands Sunday. The food items received were divided between Oaks Indian Mission, Helping Hands food pantry, and Gravette School's Snack Pack program. Thank you to all who gave so generously!